Supporting your organisation to thrive!
Providing expert support to enable small charities and not for profit organisations to thrive

I'm Vicki Beevers,
I am passionate about supporting those working in the voluntary sector which is why I set up Vicki Beevers Consultancy.
I've vast experience in leading organisations, from senior positions in schools to setting up an award winning national charity. I believe that people are the most valuable resource organisations have, you deserve the best support. I embraced this philosophy and invested in my own development to become one of the UK's leading sleep experts, a TEDx talker and mentor.
I choose to only work with a handful of clients, those that I work with I truly invest in so that their organisation can grow and thrive.
My lived experience of having ADHD means I think differently, cut through problems quickly to offer solutions and care deeply about those I work with and the work they do.

"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty"
Maya Angelou
There are a number of ways you can work with me.

Coaching and Mentoring
Let me support you to address the challenges that you are facing in your organisation and identify positive action.

I support organisations to identify new funding streams and can write bids or show you how to do these yourself!

Power Hour
My power hour provides you with a one to one hour long session to discuss issues such as funding, governance, project ideas and identify positive actions to take.

Team Building
I don't just work with organisational leaders, I love working with the whole team. Whether it is providing mentoring, sharing ideas or delivering team building sessions.

Find out more about my consultancy work, packages are developed to support the needs of individuals and organisations.

I love deliver training and offer a range of courses/webinars. Get in touch to find out more!